The profiting isn't an inherent problem, but the aforementioned attitude is.
If it wasn't for the issue being raised, and opinions expressed elsewhere, credit would never have been given. In some cases, when it was given (a whole year after RPGSolo went online), it was grudgingly and in a backhanded way, because the owner of the site, if you believe their supporters, did not feel the original designers deserved credit.
The words speak for themselves:
Multiple times it's advertised as something that implements already existing "top systems", but he fails to credit some of them even as he draws comparisons to them. Even the site's fans make the same comparisons (even down to how they're named):
"Rush Wright June 10, 2013 at 6:44 PM
By the way, while we're on the topic of Story Cubes, I'd like to point out that Mark at implemented a tool not unlike Rory's Story Cubes (they're called Mark's Adventure Glyphs, heh, heh). They're great, too - check 'em out!"
Another fan's comment:
"The second site is SoloRPG. John gave it a mention in SoloNexus, but it's such a great site that I'm going to give it a second one. Basically, it's like an organized collection of tools used to play solo RPGs with. Sort of. There are loads of awesome features already included (like a Rory's Story Cubes clone specially suited for solo roleplaying, genre-sensitive random word generators, an automated Mythic GME implementation, etc), and there are more on the way - the developer is very active"
Yet a friend of the owner came here to argue that they were completely different. When it benefited their marketing, equating MAG to Rory Story Cubes was fine, but when I called it a copy cat, all of a sudden they were completely different. The put downs of one of the very products that "inspired" the "completely different" product soon followed.
"There is now a mobile version of Mark's Adventure Glyphs. Point your mobile device to Take THAT Rory's Story Cubes! (pwned!)"The immediate response to bringing up this behavior was to create a now deleted thread trying to rally the troops to the site's defense:
And despite the some people coming here to deny it, the truth eventually came out:
How ironic it is given that his buddy Slaad1, came by to swear the site was never nor would ever be about profiting:
Interesting... I didn't see it that way.
ReplyDeleteConcerning the "Glyphs", I may be wrong, but the images come from and are under CC BY 3.0 liscense (so Mark has the right to make a commercial use of these pictures, although it is not ethical).
Other web sites, compatible mobile (free and citing the original source) work very well:
Mark and others very specifically compared MAG to rory story cubes, even when advertising it in other sites. Not very coincidentally, it uses exactly 9 slots for the images, and it's even named similarly. He should have credited them the moment the tool became available.
ReplyDeleteThe larger problem is the pattern of behavior. It wasn't only the story cubes. It was Mythic, the 9 questions, UNE, Mythic, FU RPG, etc. That's quite a lot of products to rip off almost exactly without giving proper credit (and at the same time having a tin cup up front asking for donations).
I'm glad he's at least giving prominent credit, but I'm still not going to support that site.